SO. MANY. DOTS! I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve written about British artist Julie Cockburn. I usually feature her embroidery-covered found portraits (proof above!), but today it’s all about these polkadot postcards. The first image above, titled “Low Hanging Fruit”, was just completed a few days ago… and yes, that perfectly embroidered low hanging fruit pulled me down the rabbit hole, and I just popped up long enough to write this post! You can find some of Julie’s work right here, and she’s on Instagram at @juliecockburnartist. ps. Julie makes ceramics now, too.
Tuesdays are changing. Why? Well, I love that Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are all very “Jealous Curator-ish”, ie., focusing on motivation, creative jumpstarts and advice/insights from like-minded artists (with Friday being the weekly recap). Tuesday needs to get on board because I want this newsletter to not only inspire you with the featured contemporary artists, but also to help you move forward on your own creative path.
Enter “Trophy TUESDAY”. I’m going to share my ‘wins of the week’ — no matter how big or small those victories might be — and I’m asking you to share yours, too! This ties in with my current artwork, as I’ve spent the first 50 years of my life not fully celebrating myself. That needs to stop. TODAY. Join me, won’t you? ;)
My wins for the week : I made a whole bunch of small, silly collages for absolutely no reason other than fun; I got two perfect books at the thrift shop for a grand total of $1; I went for three early morning walks, even though it was f’n freezing outside; I had a glorious afternoon nap on Sunday… and didn’t feel guilty about it. At all.
YOUR TURN! Share your wins from the past week in the comments. Have a fantastic day ~ Danielle
I love this idea! I know I don't celebrate my wins nearly enough.
I did some interesting textile experiments. I walked with a friend even though it was bitterly cold. I accepted a compliment with a simple thank you. I designed a fun art project to do with the seniors I teach. Yay!
Trophy tuesday yes! Last friday i did a presentation on my stoetboomproject (breadtreeproject). I got a lot of compliments on my presentation and on the art project about this branch of a tree that children get when they leave preschool and enter the ‘big’ school to learn to read and write. (its a regional ritual, and its only known in the region) I made a textile bunting with all their photo’s and stories about this day. I was so proud and still am proud of all the positive feedback i got. O it feels so weird to be proud of myself and write it down. Why is that???????