May 20, 2023Liked by Danielle Krysa

Good morning Danielle,

I wanted to let you know I was covering a STEAM class in 2nd grade and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to read “Art and Joy” to the class. So many of the kids tend to be hard on themselves and sometimes others when it comes to art. They went crazy over your book, hanging on every word! They noticed the palette change when Joy went away, they booed the art bully for his hurtful words and cheered when Art got his groove back! My favorite part was at the end when the class had a unanimous “a-ha” moment, that it’s easy to accidentally be the art bully by saying unkind things and how detrimental it can be to someone. Thank you so much for your wonderful books!!!!

~Laura (Ms. Mac)

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oh thank you sooooo much laura! that made my day!!!!

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May 20, 2023Liked by Danielle Krysa

wow Danielle’s work is fascinating and beautiful!!!

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May 20, 2023Liked by Danielle Krysa

I would have loved to have joined your workshop at Jen's Gallery/studios this week but the timing didn't quite work for me. I hope you will do another there!

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fingers crossed!

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